
来源:工作范文网 时间:2020-10-26 09:11:41

V- i ng - 形 式 练 习 题


enjoy doi ng sth. 喜欢做某事

mi nd doing sth 介意做某事

fi nish doi ng sth 完成做某事

practice doi ng sth. 练习做某事

be busy doing /with sth.忙于做某事

6.look forward to doi ng sth .盼望做某事

have fun doi ng sth.做某事有趣

be worth doi ng sth 值得做某事

spe nd?(i n) doing sth./ on sth.花费

Stop doi ng sth.停止做某事

stop to do sth 停止去做后面的事情

stop/keep sb.from doing sth阻 止某人去做某事

miss doi ng sth.错过做某事

feel like doing sth.想要做某事

see/hear/watch/fi nd sb doin g/do sth

keep sb doi ng sth.让某人保持做某事

Keep/stop sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事

Keep sb. ■形容词/副词/名词/介词

be used to doing sth.习惯做某事

hate to do/doi ng sth讨厌/不喜欢做某事

have problem doing sth.做某事遇至U困难

make a con tribution to sth/doi ng sth 为某事做出自己的贡献

give up doi ng sth 放弃做某事

prefer doi ng sth to doi ng sth宁愿做某事而不愿做另一件事 =prefer to do sth rather than do sth.

prefer to do sth.更喜欢

There is a man wait ing for you outside.有…正做

have trouble/problem doi ng sth.做某事有困难 complete con sider con ti nue imagi ne suggest, advise

stand(忍受),allow appreciate deny admit, escape

pay atte nti on to doing can' t help doing


(2009-04-20 16:29:06)


标签: 分类:英语积淀


Taking pictures very in terest ing. A. is B. are C. to be D. be

the bad n ews made him cry. A. Hear B. Heard C. Heari ng D. Is heari ng

a desert had always bee n a risk adve nture.

A. being crossed B. Having crossed C. Cross ing D. To have crossed

Before he came, I ' d finished the whole book.

A. to read B. to have read C. readi ng D. read

I always enjoy to popular music at ni ght.

A. to liste n B. liste ning C. that I can liste n D. if I can liste n

We are con sideri ng a trip around the isla nd.

A. take b. to take C. to be tak ing D. tak ing

hope you don ' t mind at your newspaper.

A. I look B. my looking C. I looking D. my to look

When a man ' srh stops , he dies.

A. to beat B. beati ng C. beat D. beate n

I can ' t help he is still alive.

A. thinking B. think C. to think D. thought of

So far as I am concerned , I prefer read ing .

A. tha n meat B. for joy C. in stead of sleep ing D to drinking

It goes without that kno wledge is importa nt.

A. talking B. telling C. saying D. mentioning

we are look ing forward our friends n ext week.

A. to see B. to see ing C. to be see ing D. shall see

He spe nt a lot of money books and magaz in es.

A. buy B. buying C. to buy D. bought

The silkworm is an in sect worth .

A. to know B. knowing C. to be known D. being known

15.She went out without good-bye to us.

A. say B. to say C. say ing D. being said

The curious stude nt kept on questi ons. A. asks B. ask ing C. to ask D.


He is such a strange person; there ' s what he ' ll do next.

A. no knowing B. not to know C. not known D. being unknown

Whe n she heard the bad n ews, she burst .

A. into crying B. out to tears C. crying D. out crying

You must n ever cross the street without the light to tur n gree n.

A. wait ing B/ to wait C. wait ing for D. to wait for

Scie ntists succeed prote in out of old n ewspapers.

A. to make B. at maki ng C. maki ng D. i n mak ing

became after watch ing too much televisi on.

A. bored B. bori ng C. bore D. bores

felt by his in terest in my new inven ti on.

A. en courage B to en courage C. was en couraged D. en couraged

He sat there a no vel. A. read B. read ing C. reads D. had read

Don ' t wake up the chilA. sleep B. slept C. sleeping D. sleepy

A proverb goes: ‘ A stone gathers no rAosoll B. rolling C. rolled D.


The heavy rain kept us for two hours. A. wait B. waited C. wait ing D. to


found a dog over by a car on the road. A. to run B. run C. ran D.


We found the baby on the floor. A. slept B. sleep C. asleep D. sleep ing

Jack saw a woma n n ear the dog , so he walked up to her.

They got their car at the garage.

A. be washed B. washed C. being washed D. to have bee n washed

with his report , I told him to write it all over aga in.

A. Dissatisfactory B. Not being satisfied C. Havi ng not satisfied D. Dissatisfy ing

our shoes in our hands , we crossed the stream.

A. To carry B. Carrying C. Carried D. Carry

my homework, I went home .

A. Having fini shed B. Fini shed C. Being fini shed D. Finish

the door uni ocked, I went in.

A. Finding B. Fou nd C. Had fou nd D. Have found

a careless fellow, he forget all about it.

A. Is B. Be C. Be ing D. Was

carefully, this letter is very beautiful

A. Type B. Typing C. Typed D. To typed

A ni mals can do many amaz ing thi ngs whe n properly .

A. train B. trai ning C. trained D. to train

You must be careful whe n on the highway.

A. you driv ing B. are driv ing C. driv ing D. you were driv ing

39.If , I will go to the party toni ght. A. i nvite B. i nviti ng C. to in vite D. i nvited

Thousa nds of products from coal are now in daily use.

A. made B. make C. maki ng D. to make

E ngines are machi nes power or moti on.

A. produce B. produci ng C. produced D. which produc ing

Duri ng this battle some soldiers were woun ded , and some .

A. miss B. missed C. miss ing D. to miss

43Weather , we will have a pic nic tomorrow. A. permit B. permits C. permitted

D. permitti ng

The vacation over , the students came back to school.

A. is B. are C. was D. being

, we left off our work. A. After sett ing the sun B. Having set the sun

C. The sun hav ing set D. Being the sun set.

the painting, he gave a sigh of relief.

A. Finishing B. Has finished C. Being finished D. Having finished

the way to take, the traveller went on his journ ey.

A. Telli ng B. Havi ng told C. Havi ng bee n told D. Have told

The United States has developed into a modern nation in a very short time with

many other coun tries. A. compares B. compari ng C. to compare D. compared

When you find something in your writing that needs , you should mark it on

the paper.

A. to be correct ing B. correct C. to correct D. correct ing

None of us objected to George to the birthday party.

A. i nvite B. i nviti ng C. have in vited D. i nvited

As I'll be away for at least a year, I'd appreciate now and then telling

me how every one is gett ing along.

A. heari ng B. to hear C. to be heari ng D. hav ing heard

The teacher didn ' t feel like hem on the spot.

A. correct B. correcti ng C. to correct D. corrected

With the old man the way, we had no trouble in that cave.

A. leads, find B. leading, finding C. led, to find D. was leading, found

I remember for the job, but I forget the exact amount.

A. to pay B. pay ing C. to have paid D. being paid

He was see n out.

A. go B. to go C. went D. goes

He hasn ' t got used in the countryside.

A. live B. to live C. to livi ng D. livi ng

We don ' t allow in the lecture room.

A. to smoke B. smoke C. smok ing D. to smok ing

I ' ooking forward to from you soon.

A. hear B. heard C. heari ng D. being heard

She doesn ' t mind at home alone though she may feel lonely.

A. leave B. being left C. leavi ng D. to be left

People from all the corners came to the city, it very crowded.

A. to make B. and making C. made D. making

all the time is the key to progress in En glish.

A. Practise, maki ng B. To practise, mak ing

C. Practise, make D. To practise, make

Only one of these books is .

A. worth to read B. worth being read C. worth of readi ng D. worth readi ng

They knew her very well. They had see n her up from childhood.

A. grow B. grew C. was grow ing D. to grow

She reached the top of the hill and stopped on a big rock by the side of

the path.

A. to have rested B. rest ing C. to rest D. rest

a reply, he decided to write aga in.

A. Not recei ving B. Recei ving not

C. Not hav ing received D. Having not received

Europea n football is played in 80 coun tries, it the popular sport in the


A. maki ng B. makes C. made D. to make

One lear ns a Ian guage by making mistakes and them.

A. correct B. correcti ng C. corrects D. to correct

at the door before en teri ng please.

A. Knocked B. To kn ock C. Kn ocki ng D. Knock

such heavy pollutio n already, it may now be too late to clea n up the


A. Havi ng suffered B. Sufferi ng C. To suffer D. Suffered

He sent me an-email, to get further in formati on.

Tony was very un happy for to the party.

A. hav ing not bee n in vited B. not hav ing in vited

C. hav ing not in vited D. not hav ing bee n in vited

Though mon ey, his pare nts man aged to send him to uni versity.

A. lacked B. lack ing of

C. lack ing D. lacked in

How about the two of us a walk dow n the garde n?

A. to take B. take

C. tak ing D. to be tak ing

is a good form of exercise for both young and old.

A. The walk B. Walki ng

C. To walk D. Walk

— I must apologize for ahead of time.

—That' s all right.

A. letti ng you not know B. no t lett ing you know

C. letti ng you know not D. lett ing not you know

-lt's too hot. Would you mind the door?

- . Please do it.重庆)

A. to ope n; OK B. ope ning; Certa inly not

C. ope ning; Of course D. to ope n; Good idea

Miss Zhang likes the stude nts books in the read ing room, and she

herself enjoys books.山东)

A. to read; to read B. read; readi ng C. readi ng; read ing D. to read; read ing

Lily finished the book yesterday.(北京)

A. read B. readi ng C. to read D. reads

No matter how hard it is, we'll keep un til we make it.辽宁)

A. failed B. faili ng C. tried D. trying

-How can I improve my spoke n En glish?

-You have to practise as much as possible扬州)

A. speak B. speak ing C. spoke n D. to speak

Lucy is in terested in .哈尔滨)

A. listen to music B. listening music C. flying kites D. read books

-Tha nk you for the ruler from the floor for me.

-That's all right.(湖州)

A. play ing for B. play ing with C. pointing to D. pick ing up

The young lady watched her daughter a yoyo yesterday after noo重(


A. to play with B. playi ng with C. to play D. plays

A policema n saw two thieves a girl's mobile phone on a bus and he

caught them at once.陕西) A. to steal B. stealing C. stole D. stolen

We must do someth ing to stop people from .陕西)

A. to throw litter about B. to throw litter into

C. throwing litter about D. throwing litter into

-What are you busy these days?

-Nothing much.(厦门)

A. do B. doing C. to do D. done

It was very late. She stopped the childre n from TV.潍坊)

A. watches B. to watch C. watched D. watching

He has caught a bad cold, and he does n't feel like . (200泰 州)

A. to eat B. eati ng C. eats D. ate

Now more and more people are busy about the Intern et. (200漳州)

A. lear n B. to lear n C. lear ning D. lear ned

If you don't feel well, you may just .(河北)

A. stopped read ing B. stop read ing C. stopped to read D. stop to read

Stop so much no ise!My father is sleep in g.烟台)

A. to make B. mak ing C. to hear D. heari ng

-Let's have a rest, shall we?

-Not no w. I don't want to stop the letter yet.黄冈)

A. write B. to write C. writing D. and write

Mr. Brow n asked us to stop , and we stopped to him at on ce.

A. talking; to listen B. to talk; to listen

C. talki ng; liste ning D. talk; liste n

-Tom, have you see n your brother?

-Oh. I saw him basketball on the playgro und on my way home威


A. play B. plays C. play ing D. played

When I was walk ing in the street, I saw a plane over my head福州)

A. flies B. flyi ng C. flew D. to fly